*  Meetings Any time 27-7, Anywhere
  • Have a busy schedule? Need a flexible meeting time?
  • Live in different places throughout the year
  • Travel frequently
* Have limited mobility
E-club members use webinars, videoconferencing, message boards, instant messaging, or tools like Skype and Google Hangout to communicate. For example, a club member might post content online for that week’s meeting, then other members join the discussion throughout the week. Some e-club members also meet in person at service projects, social activities or the RI Convention.
As a global e-Club, projects are likely to be local to one or more of our members.  Some of our members are heavily engaged in their own communities serving on nonprofit boards, working on youth projects, bringing unique educational opportunities into local schools, educating local ranchers on sustainable practices for ranching, etc. E-club members in Arizona log over 700 hours of service every month, and have done so for several years.  A minimum number of service hours will be required of our members.   This year we are asking club members to volunteer 1 hour each month and the goal for next year will be 2 hours each month.  Partner with other Rotarians with various club projects or district-wide projects or volunteer in your community as needed.  Then, remember to report your volunteer time as you report your attendance at club meetings.