I’m asked frequently about the impact that we as one engaged Rotary club or as individuals can make. While I know that we can't technically "save" the world, we can still make a positive difference, one person at a time. Below is the wisdom of “The Power of One” Poem from unknown author:
One song can spark a moment -
One whisper can wake the dream -
One tree can start a forest -
One bird can herald spring -
One smile can start a friendship -
One hug can lift the soul -
One star can guide a ship at sea -
One word can frame the goal -
One vision can change a nation -
One sunbeam lights a room -
One candle wipes out darkness -
One laugh will win over gloom -
One step starts each journey -
One word starts each prayer -
One hope will raise our spirits -
One touch can show you care -
One voice can speak with wisdom -
One heart can know what’s true -
One life can make a difference.
What one thing can you do today to make a difference?
Yours in Light Up Rotary,
President Sofka